Somatic Experiencing (SE) sessions

As part of my training as Somatic Experiencing (SE)® practitioner, I offer 1-on-1 sessions on trauma integration for a reduced fee. 

To me, integrating trauma through Somatic Experiencing is part of a path to an increased sense of inner safety, inner freedom, connection and aliveness.

About Somatic Experiencing

Overwhelming events such as accidents, severe illnesses and experiences of neglect, loss, violence or disparagement can lead to symptoms of post-traumatic stress. This can manifest itself as states of anxiety and panic, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, easy irritability, attachment issues, a feeling of paralysis or chronic stress, and as feelings of existential helplessness and alienation. Sometimes these symptoms only show up years after a traumatic experience.

Traumatic symptoms are not caused by the event itself. They arise when residual energy from the experience is not discharged from the body. This energy remains trapped in the nervous system where it can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds.“ (Peter Levine)

Somatic Experiencing (SE) was developed by Peter Levine. It helps to renegotiate and integrate overwhelming experiences on a physical, mental and emotional level. SE mostly works with the autonomic nervous system by tracking physical sensations, impulses, emotions, images, and beliefs. It supports a gentle release of survival energy bound in the body and facilitates the completion of self-protective physical responses. A sense of paralysis and numbness can thus transform into experiencing aliveness and joy, as the nervous system finds its way back to its inherent ability for self-regulation.

Practical details

Sessions are held in a space of loving presence and unconditional acceptance. They can be done in German or English, in-person in Berlin Mitte or Berlin Tegel, or potentially online by zoom. The fee is 45,- EUR per hour.

Doing a number of weekly or bi-weekly sessions is most effective, but one-off sessions are also possible. Somatic Experiencing can also be complementary to traditional psychotherapy.

If interested, get in touch via For any questions, I’m happy to offer a 15-minute exploratoy call.  

„We can’t always think or talk our way toward healing. We have to come back to the wisdom of the animal body and learn its language.“ (Kimberly Ann Johnson) 

Please note that these sessions are given as part of my training. I am not, yet, a certified practitioner. As part of the training, I participate in regular supervision sessions. I am licenced as „alternative practitioner for psychotherapy“ („Heilpraktikerin beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie“) in Germany. To find out more about Somatic Experiencing, see here.

About me

In September 2023, I finished the Intermediate Level, i.e. the first two years of the 3-year training as Somatic Experiencing (SE)® practitioner.

I have a deep fascination for the potential of individual and collective trauma healing. And for a deeper understanding of the interplay between our nervous system, body and consciousness, and between trauma healing and a spiritual path. Over the past 7 years, I have studied this extensively, including through various courses on trauma and the nervous system (see below), books, taking sessions, and exploring approaches with friends and colleagues. I have also assisted and co-facilitated meditation retreats, and courses and trainings on personal development and soul initiation.

Other than that, I work as an independent consultant advising development cooperation projects on climate policy and climate finance.

Formal qualifications:

  • Completion of the first 2 years of the 3-year training as Somatic Experiencing (SE)® practitioner with Anne Janzen in Berlin
  • Licensed as „alternative practitioner for psychotherapy“ („Heilpraktikerin beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie“) in Germany (since April 2023)
  • Courses on trauma healing and the nervous system including „Development Trauma: Early Stages“ with Raja Selvam (2023), “Sacred Wounds: Trauma Healing on the Spiritual Path” with Peter Levine (2021), “ReSource” with Buster Radvik (2021), “Treating Trauma Master Series” by The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM) (2019), and „Activate your Inner Jaguar” with Kimberly Ann Johnson (2017, 2019 & 2020)